If you are using an older PC, like 5 years or older, you might have to wait for a few seconds every time before your PC accomplishes your commands. Although Windows PCs can be slow due to hardware or software, we will discuss hardware upgrades to speed up your PC. See Also: Engineering Wireless Services


Whenever it’s time to upgrade a PC, RAM is the first thing to consider. However, increasing the RAM is not always necessary. To see if the RAM is limiting the speed of your PC, head towards the Windows Task Manager. If you see that all your RAM is being used to its full capacity, it is the time to increase RAM. However, if you see that your systems RAM is 30% free and your system is still slow, increasing the RAM would not make it faster.



The disk drive is usually the single most important factor to slow down your PC. Many older PCs are still using spinning hard drives. Modern SSDs are many times faster than older HDDs. The prices of SSDs are quite affordable now. So, if you can afford an SSD, this is the most appropriate hardware upgrade to speed up your PC.


Graphics Card

If you play graphic intensive games or use programs that require a powerful graphics card, this is the hardware upgrade to speed up your PC. Please note, however, that if you do not use graphic intensive games or software, upgrading your graphics card will not speed up your PC. It will only use more energy without any noticeable increase in performance or speed.

Graphics Card

Upgrading processor CPU is usually costly and people often tend to buy a new PC instead of upgrading processor and CPU. However, there are certain scenarios where you might want to upgrade your CPU, instead of buying a new PC.