The translator is much more than a word transformer. Although many people currently exchange a human translator for an automatic translator, it can never replace the feeling and information it has.
A human translator to translate Thai to Chinese (แปลภาษาไทยเป็นจีน, which is the term in Thai) has great qualities. Among these qualities, we can cite a good knowledge of the languages of origin and destination.
In addition, the translator also needs to have good writing and good speech, a characteristic that an automatic translator does not have.
As we mentioned, the translator does not only have to be a connoisseur of the second language, much more than that, he needs excellent command of the language and a high level of textual interpretation, so that he can capture the transmitted message.
Another feature required to succeed in a hiring is to search for a translator who has experience translating texts in the requested area.
Only with this characteristic will the translator have sufficient etymological and idiomatic knowledge to be able to bring or bring, perfectly, to the requested meaning.
The translator field of expertise is also important to consider. For example, if we ask a translator, who has experience in Literature, to translate a text full of oral marks, it is possible that this text does not have as much effect and is not as well translated as it would be if a translator with oral experience did it.
Currently, there is no automatic translator to replace a humanized translation but a humanized translation will convey to the reader exactly what has been said in another language in a pleasant way of reading.
In case there is no sworn translator for the desired language, it is necessary to contact the consulate or embassy of the related country to appoint an ad hoc translator, that is, with proven language proficiency to perform the Translation.
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