How To Quickly Launch A Website To Test A Market With Your Products?

You can always quickly launch a website/blog, load up your products on the new website, and test your selected market. But How? You obviously need a platform to launch your website. Whether it is Shopify, Wix, or WordPress, either will work. The key difference is some platforms require you to do more work, some platforms allow you to customize more, etc. With Shopify, Wix, etc, you will always have to pay them a yearly fee (or a monthly fee), because they take care of the web hosting for you, and you don’t have to know anything about hosting or servers.

How To Quickly Launch A Website To Test A Market With Your Products

With WordPress, this specific charge is void. However, you have to set up the hosting yourself. i.e. Basically, when you choose Worpdress as your preferred website builder, you will always need to do this one additional step. Before setting up WordPress, make sure to go through this how to install WordPress step by step guide. The guide takes you from the very beginning to the end of setup. Many of you may not have enough knowledge to set up the web hosting part, but it is not as difficult as you first imagined.

Once you have logged into your WordPress site’s admin area, you should take a good look at the default template (i.e. theme) and a few free themes that are also available. They are usually named as Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Sixteen, etc. And you should decide which one to use for your website/blog. A theme is the appearance of your website/blog. Or you can search for some other free themes on Google. Whether it is one of the default or pre-installed themes, or it is a theme that you’ve downloaded and installed, you need to figure out how to make the appearance changes including: main navigation menu, secondary navigation menu, colors, the number of columns, etc. Most themes these days already designed as mobile-friendly themes.

Some best practices for choosing website themes/templates are:

  • Choose a template that fits the ideas of your industry/niche.
  • Choose a template that you think would be good for your site’s conversions/sales/lead generation.
  • Keep the theme’s layout simple and clean. This allows your users to focus on your products (which is what you actually want).
  • Get a designer to design your business logo (if you do not already have one). On site such as Upwork, you can always find a good designer.
  • Check if the theme comes with some great looking (or very distinguished) call-to-action buttons. This is important, because call-to-action buttons are part (i.e. an element) of your sales funnel.

Should you be selling your products right on your site i.e. You want your users to make payments right on your site, then you should install some WordPress plugins such as Woocommerce, and that is related to integrating Paypal with WordPress.