Lost your cell phone? Learn in a simple way how to locate a cell phone by GPS. The first thing you have to know, is that for the process to be effective, the application must be installed on a smartphone with internet access and it must be turned on, it is not possible to use the program or access the location without the device data connection is on.

With Phonetracking phone tracker app, you can know the exact location of each of your employees in real time; this serves to measure the level of confidence that is deposited in them and with this seek to improve the productivity of them and therefore, the company.

How to Monitor Location of Your Kids and Employees

Therefore, we can install this application and also enjoy a fairly complete service package that includes, in addition to the location, access to the call log, SMS , enter the image gallery of the device and know what photos it takes, which send or receive photos through social media and any instant messaging application or e-mails.

With this tool you can even establish blocks to certain applications during certain times, so that our children dedicate themselves to study when they should do it and do not waste time in other activities that distract them from their duties, the same applies for employees of our businesses. It is very common for some companies to limit access to social networks and the internet in general, during a workday to find the effectiveness and efficiency of employees, thus avoiding that they comment on errors due to being distracted.

Regardless of whether your reasons for using this app are personal, such as having your children protected or working in case you can monitor the routes of your workers, the purpose is the same: maintain security and protect both physical and patrimonial integrity.